Tokyo Sightseeing Helicopter Flight


> 航班起飞前会要求您提供身份证明
> 您需要在航班起飞前 30 分钟到达机场办理登机手续。
> 我们所有的操作员都有证书
> 为了您的安全,天气状况可能会推迟您的航班

Tokyo, Japan’s busy capital, mixes the ultramodern and the traditional, from neon-lit skyscrapers to historic temples. The opulent Meiji Shinto Shrine is known for its towering gate and surrounding woods. The Imperial Palace sits amid large public gardens. The city’s many museums offer exhibits ranging from classical art (in the Tokyo National Museum) to a reconstructed kabuki theater (in the Edo-Tokyo Museum).

Discover this amazing city from the sky.
You will be amazed by the vastness of this city that is lost on the horizon.
On board a helicopter with 8 seats, You will pass by the center near the Tokyo Tower, then go up to the Tokyo SkyTree whose helicopter makes almost all the turn. On the way, we can admire the most emblematic neighborhoods of the megacity, such as the buildings of Shinjuku, the polders of Odaiba, the large imperial park or Ueno.
The view is really striking and you have the impression to be able to contemplate Tokyo in a very privileged way during the whole (short) flight. If you have the opportunity and are looking to discover Tokyo in a new way, the helicopter tour is an experience we highly recommend.
The flight days are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: from 11h to 19h
Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays: from 11h to 17h

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最便宜 !
135€ 135 €

Tokyo Sightseeing Helicopter Flight, sightseeing destinations