飞往瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛 2020 年 1 月 21-24 日

The 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting will be held on 21-24 January 2020, in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. WEF annual meetings aim to engage world leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional, and industry agendas at the beginning of each year. The development of the meetings’ programme is driven by WEF’s mission –- improving the state of the world.
Four global issues clearly stand out as urgent and important, and will feature prominently on the agenda at the Annual Meeting 2020 in Davos:
How to address the urgent climate and environmental challenges that are harming our ecology and economy
How to transform industries to achieve more sustainable and inclusive business models as new political, economic, and societal priorities change trade and consumption patterns
How to govern the technologies driving the fourth industrial revolution so they benefit business and society, while minimizing their risks to them
How to adapt to the demographic, social, and technological trends reshaping education, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Source: Giplatform

Event information


Kongresszentrum Davos
Promenade 67
7270 Davos Platz

Fly to World Economic Forum  Davos, Switzerland   21-24 January 2020

Helicopter4you team specialize in Private Jet and Helicopter airport transfers to and from all airports. We work with local Private Jet and  Helicopter operators and we can arrange for our clients private airplane transfer to the closest airports to Davos, as Zurich, 伯尔尼, 米兰 and helicopter transfer from the airports to Davos.

因此,不要再浪费时间了,请拨打 Helicopter4you 电话 +30 210 996 7872 and book your fligth to the World Econimic Forum In Davos, Switzerland.

Indicative Prices for Helicopter Flights from/to Davos

来自 飞行时间 A109(双引擎) AW139(双引擎) H125(单引擎)
苏黎世-达沃斯或达沃斯-苏黎世 35 分钟 8 800 欧元起 13,500 € 5,200 €
杜本多夫-达沃斯或达沃斯-杜本多夫 35 分钟 8 800 欧元起 13,500 € 5,200 €
阿尔滕莱茵-达沃斯或达沃斯-阿尔滕莱茵 25 分钟 见下 15,900 € 3,000 €
腓特烈港-达沃斯或达沃斯-腓特烈港 35 分钟 见下 16,600 € 4,400 €
日内瓦-达沃斯或达沃斯-日内瓦 70 分钟 20,900 欧元起 30,400 € 12,200 €
巴塞尔-达沃斯或达沃斯-巴塞尔 60 分钟 13,000 欧元起 18,400 € 5,900 €
萨梅丹-达沃斯或达沃斯-萨梅丹 20 分钟 4 600 欧元起 16,900 € 2,300 €
以阿尔滕莱茵为基地的直升机 A109(双引擎)
阿尔滕莱茵-达沃斯或达沃斯-阿尔滕莱茵 25 分钟 7,900 €
Freidrichshafen-Davos or Daos-Friedrichshafen 35 分钟 9,500 €
davos 2

Share a private jet and get the best out of your flight to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland!

Contact us to get started!

T: 24/7 +30 210 996 7870
F: +30 210 996 7872
E: info@helicopter4you.com


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