Air Taxi Services in Crete Island

Крит - самый большой остров Греции и фантастическое место, пропитанное древним искусством и архитектурой. Минойская цивилизация, одна из самых ярких в мировой истории, процветала на острове почти 5000 лет назад. Посещение невероятных дворцов, принадлежащих этой первой цивилизации, привлекает туристов.

Не только история острова делает Крит одним из самых посещаемых мест в Греции. На Крите множество природных ландшафтов: крутые горные ущелья, заснеженные вершины, пышные виноградники, оливковые рощи и многокилометровые пляжи, окаймляющие остров по периметру.

Крит известен во всей Греции и мире своей богатой гастрономической культурой. Кроме того, здесь расположены исторические и живописные деревни, где местные жители охотно предлагают свое теплое критское гостеприимство.


Private air charter from Crete to other Greek destinations, Europe and beyond… 

The Greek Air Taxi Network GATN consists of operators specialising in helicopters, small aircraft and passenger airplanes, which are operated and maintained under the strict supervision of European Aviation Safety Agency EASA. These aircraft are placed in strategic locations in Greece, Italy, Malta and other European locations.

With a fleet ranging from Single-engine Piston SEP airplanes, Twin-engine Pistons, various types of jet airplanes, and passenger turboprop commuters that can accommodate 50-70 passengers, serving as extra large air taxis for those groups who are travelling from remote Greek islands to the heart of Europe, we have whatever you require in a private jet aircraft.

We are happy to arrange one-way, round trip, on-demand, or our experienced travel advisors can assist you with organising packages that include private jet, villa и luxury yacht rental. Just tell our professional private air consultants who are available 24/7 what you need and they will be happy to assist.

For an estimate of what your air charter service may cost, get instant real-time availability, price and aircraft details using the Умный баннер which is located on the main page of our website or  contact our wonderful travel advisors to receive a detailed quote on your desired travel route(s).

If you are a broker and service provider, we invite you to use our Charter Broker Desk services to get instant access to real-time flight data, empty leg availability and much more.

Aero Medical Services in Greece and abroad 

In case of emergency  please contact the Greek Air Ambulance Network. The GAAN has brought together the best healthcare organizations under one operational umbrella. This includes medical services, helicopter and plane ambulance services и ground ambulance.  The GAAN has a team of on-call doctors as well as a team of qualified health administrators available 24/7.

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