Санторини - AmanZoe - Санторини


Flight duration: 75 min

No name is so synonymous with luxury accommodations throughout the world as Aman…

Amanzoe is Greece’s first Aman resort, giving distinct flair to the brand and establishing itself as the single most exclusive getaway on the Peloponnese.

Everything you expect from an Aman property—serenity, wellness, service, privacy—can be found at Amanzoe. In addition to the expected clean lines, expansive pools and decks, and soothing color palate, architect Ed Tuttle wrapped the local character into the design. Simple Ionian Greek columns and classical massing give the property a familiar face.

Amanzoe is a perfect base from which to discover around region, whether your interests are  photographing ancient ruins, visiting vineyards, exploring the many islands offshore including Spetses and Hydra, mountain biking or getting an aerial perspective with a helicopter tour.

This is a Day Trip to AmanZoe and 5 hours stop are included, so you will have a perfect opportunity take a look around.

Вы полетите на двухмоторном вертолете Airbus H-355F2 (вместимость 5 мест) или на вертолете Airbus H-120 (вместимость 4 места).

 Цена: exclusive helicopter use 5740€ / per seat 1435€ (min 4pax)

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