Lisboa Sightseeing Flight


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You will fly over the most beautiful monuments of Lisbon From the Quarter Discoveries are gone the “Caravelas» Portuguese to discover the world.

It is also from here that Vasco da Gama went to the overdraft Road India, Pedro Alvares Cabral left for the discovery of Brazil and as other browsers have gone several times for an adventure without return.

You are about to fly over the area and the shore and enjoy the view of the Tower of Belem, the Jeronimos Monastery, the Monument to the Discoveries and 25th of April Bridge where you can enjoy views of the city.

This helicopter flight of about 10 minutes will take you through this historic district and you will discover all of Lisbon and the Tagus.

419€ 209.5 €
580€ 193.33 €
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Lisboa Sightseeing Flight, sightseeing destinations