Grand Canyon Helicopter Flight


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Grand Canyon National Park, in Arizona, is home to much of the immense Grand Canyon, with its layered bands of red rock revealing millions of years of geological history. Viewpoints include Mather Point, Yavapai Observation Station and architect Mary Colter’s Lookout Studio and her Desert View Watchtower. Lipan Point, with wide views of the canyon and Colorado River, is a popular, especially at sunrise and sunset.

Discover the Grand Canyon in helicopter. The most popular flight in the world. Breathtaking panoramic views of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and Grand Canyon West. Landing at the bottom of the canyon on our private plateau overlooking the mighty Colorado River. Upon landing, our guests will enjoy a champagne picnic with refreshments and have ample time to explore the awe-inspiring grandeur that is the Grand Canyon.


Discover a unique experience !

270€ 270 €
540€ 270 €
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