Экскурсионный полет во Франкфурт


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Frankfurt, a central German city on the river Main, is a major financial hub that’s home to the European Central Bank. It’s the birthplace of famed writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, whose former home is now the Goethe House Museum. Like much of the city, it was damaged during World War II and later rebuilt. The reconstructed Altstadt (Old Town) is the site of Römerberg, a square that hosts an annual Christmas market.

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Enjoy the fantastic view of the skyline of “Mainhattan” with its glazed skyscrapers and historic buildings.

One of our most popular tours is the helicopter flight over the skyline of Frankfurt. Experience how impressive the skyscrapers, the Old Opera House or the cathedral from above look like. The entire old town center of Frankfurt is another eye-catcher on this helicopter sightseeing flight.

From Egelsbach it goes towards Dietzenbach and Heuesenstamm. From here you can catch a great view of Frankfurt Airport and the Commerzbank Arena. Further along the Kaiserleibrücke and thus east of Frankfurt, the skyline shines in all its glory. Up to the television tower, you can see the skyscrapers from almost every perspective, before it goes back to the airfield Egelsbach.

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Frankfurt Sightseeing Flight, Airports