Полеты на вертолете в Берлине


> Перед полетом вас попросят предъявить документ, удостоверяющий личность
> Вам необходимо прибыть за 30 минут до вылета для прохождения формальностей при посадке на рейс
> Все наши операторы имеют сертификат
> В целях вашей безопасности погодные условия могут отложить ваш полет

Berlin, Germany’s capital, dates to the 13th century. Reminders of the city’s turbulent 20th-century history include its Holocaust memorial and the Berlin Wall’s graffitied remains. Divided during the Cold War, its 18th-century Brandenburg Gate has become a symbol of reunification. The city’s also known for its art scene and modern landmarks like the gold-colored, swoop-roofed Berliner Philharmonie, built in 1963.

199€ 199 €
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Feel the real flying.

Tummy tingling guaranteed!

From the stand it goes on 600 meters of flight altitude. Enjoy a breathtaking trip over the capital.

After the reception at the General Aviation Terminal at Berlin Brandenburg Airport, we will bring you with the stretch limousine to the helicopter. Then you will start a 20 minute flight.

As a reminder you will receive a certificate with the signature of the pilot.

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Berlin Helicopter Flights, Airports