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Samedan lies in the middle of one of Switzerland’s key tourism regions. Thanks to the central position, all regional touristic attractions are quickly reached, e.g. St. Moritz, Pontresina, the Upper Engadine mountain and lake world and the national park.

Its position on the «roof of Europe” gives the Upper Engadine around 322 days of sunshine every year, a very pleasant climate and a guarantee of snow in winter. The houses in typical Engadine style make Samedan particularly appealing. The Planta-Haus with its rich Sgraffiti (wall decorations in plaster) is now an excellent museum of patrician domestic culture.

Samedan is also one of the Rhaetian Railway’s key crossing points: lines lead to nearby St. Moritz, Chur, into the Lower Engadine, and especially – spectacular – over the Berninapass into Puschlav.