Март 24, 2019

How is a helicopter built?

Helicopters are classified as rotary wing aircraft, and their rotary wing is commonly referred to as the main rotor or simply the rotor. Unlike the more common fixed [...]
Март 15, 2019

Правильные вертолеты, базирующиеся в Греции

Final cost is proportional to flight time.  That’s why we position helicopters where you actually need them. The GATN gets rid of expensive positioning costs.  The [...]
Март 7, 2019

8 Golden Rules About Weather and Helicopter Flights

Aviation forecasts are a central tool to help pilots to identify anticipated weather threats and put in place a strategy to mitigate those threats during the [...]
Январь 21, 2019

World Economic Forum 2019. Flying to Davos by Helicopter

The World Economic Forum starts in Davos, Switzerland on Monday 21 of January, many different discussions are expected, in particular, on economic and political topics, the [...]
Январь 5, 2019

Useful Tips for Helicopter Flights

Winter is already arrived. That means Ski Resorts have opened their slopes for the ski-lovers. People are looking to spend perfect time in Alps, France, Greece [...]