Hong Kong Sightseeing Flight


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n helicopter tour around Hong Kong Island with a view of the famous Victoria Habour Skyline, down and around the beaches and bays of South Hong Kong Island.


After a take off from Wan Chai Helipad, you will take the direction of business quarter of the city, grouping worldwide companies’s headquarters. The Victoria Harbour Skyline tour, the highest building of Hong Kong, will facing you.

Do not miss the opportunity to take THE picture of the flight.


You will also discover the Finance Center of the city, second highest building. Below you, you will get an overview of the Chinese megalopolis movement.


If you pay attention, you will see the pier allowing the connection between the business quarter and the Tsim Shah Tsui one, well known for its harbour and its sea foods restaurants. The beautiful beaches and the Hong Kong bay will scroll below you.


Conclude your flight by overflying the Golf field and the Kai Tak airport.

229€ 229 €
449€ 224.5 €
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