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Aéroport de Rochefort, Saint-Agnant

You will take off from the airfield Rochefort Charente-Maritime for an exceptional overview of the Ile Madame and three forts: Boyard (known worldwide for its television game), La pointe and Lupin. in front of you unfolds a beautiful land and water mixture landscape.

The fort, measur 68 meters long in the axis of 31 meters wide, with a floor area of 2065 m2 and total 2689 m2.

The walls rising to 20 meters from the foundations.

It is built on a sandbar called “longe de Boyard” which gave its name to the fort.

It is visible from Fouras, from the island of Oleron, from the bridge that connects the south of the island to the mainland, from the lighthouse Chassiron in good weather, Boyardville, but also from the city of La Rochelle and of course the west coast of the Island of Aix, where many tourists come to see the fort.

The fort was built to protect the arsenal of Rochefort, one of the most prestigious of the empire.

100€ 100 €
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Fort Boyard, sightseeing destinations