Excursión en helicóptero por la isla Oleron

Take off from the airfield of St Pierre d’Oléron for a getaway between sky, sea and land.Fly over the Oleron marshes that once served as a salt harvest and are today used by oyster farmers for the culture of oysters. They also serve as a refining basin for the channel of the Perrotine.

Your flight continues towards the Ile Madame, facing the coast of Charente-Maritime, which represents the entrance to the Charente and the Ile d’Aix.You will then head to the Fort Boyard. Admire this astonishing building created by Vauban. This construction cost him many years of effort and experienced many twists and turns your pilot will tell you all about.

The helicopter takes the direction of the northern end of Oléron, on which are located the lighthouse of Antioch and the lighthouse of Chassiron. The lighthouse of Chassiron is the oldest lighthouse still in operation in France.

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Oleron Island helicopter tour, sightseeing destinations