julio 23, 2019

Airbus H355 5-seat 2-engine helicopter compliments Greek Air Taxi Network Fleet

A new addition to the Greek Air Taxi Network Fleet, this Airbus H355 5-seat 2-engine helicopter compliments the Santorini-based fleet consisting of a 3-seat Robinson 44 [...]
julio 8, 2019

Greek Air Taxi Network welcomes the 12-seat heli from PHI helicopters & GainJet

Greek Air Taxi Network welcomes the first 12-seat #helicopter operating in #Greece from PHI helicopters, marketed and supported by GainJet the Greek operator with the largest [...]
julio 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day US!

Happy Independence Day to our friends from the United States of America! Happy 4th of July! #independenceday#fireworks#july4th#USA#America
junio 24, 2019

Los helicópteros más grandes del mundo

Giant helicopters with heavy lift capacities ensure the rapid deployment of personnel, heavy equipment and cargo in congested environments. From the gigantic Mi-26 Halo to the [...]
mayo 19, 2019

Share the experience with your best friend, flying with your dog

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is the topic of flying with dogs, and how to make it the best experience for [...]