World Economic Forum 2024 – WEF 2024

The theme for the 54th Annual Meeting is “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.” The focus will be on finding ways to address global challenges collaboratively and foster inclusive growth and sustainable development.

The meeting will provide a platform for world leaders and stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and shape global, regional, and industry agendas. There will be discussions and debates on topics such as climate change, economic inequality, technological advancements, cybersecurity, and social issues.

One of the main highlights of the meeting will be the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, which identifies the most pressing risks facing the world and offers potential solutions. Additionally, there will be sessions dedicated to promoting gender equality, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum aims to foster dialogue, collaboration, and concrete action to tackle global challenges and build a more sustainable and equitable future.


Kongresszentrum Davos
Promenade 67
7270 Davos Platz

Fly to World Economic Forum  Davos, Switzerland   15-19 January 2024

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